ESSIC uses the name bladder pain syndrome (BPS) instead of interstitial cystitis (IC) and/or painful bladder syndrome (PBS): click here for more details.
Mycoplasma genitalium is associated with symptomatic urethritis.
Leung A, Eastick K, Haddon LE, et al. Int J STD AIDS 2006;17:285-8
• 680 men attending departments of genitourinary medicine were studied and Mycoplasma genitalium was detected in 5.3%
• clinically, both urethritis and the presence of a urethral discharge and/or dysuria, but not penile irritation were independently associated with the detection of M. genitalium
• in men with urethritis, those with a discharge and/or dysuria were more likely to have M. genitalium detected
• the authors conclude that M. genitalium is associated with symptomatic urethritis